Autistic or Person with Autism?

I frequent a number of Autism Forums, facebook groups, etc. For some reason there seems like there is a war going on about political correctness; splitting down the middle. 

Is it Autistic or Person with Autism.

I don't care. Well no, that's a lie. But my preference is based on logic and not personal feelings.

In the English language "autistic" is an adjective. (Describing word) Which in grammar, goes before a noun (person, place, thing).

For example:

The black dog.

Annoying Sibling.

The eccentric scientist.

If I rearrange the order it sounds weird.

The dog that is black.

Sibling who is annoying.

The scientist who has eccentricities.

It doesn't flow right.

That's why I prefer to use the word autistic.

Human beings label things. It's a subconscious part of being human. Without labels we wouldn't exist (this berry is poisonous). 

However, it's the social construct that prevents us from saying these labels.

Don't believe me? Go hang out with a group of 3 year olds. They don't understand social protocol yet. Take them to the store and wait.

"That lady is fat."

"That man smells funny."

I've seen so many parents embarrisingly shushing their kids; it's actually quite hilarious.

I don't know why people get so worked up over this, I mean there are a lot more important things they could be directing their anger at.

I will also note that language changes. Take the word 'gay' for example.

It originally meant happy, or gleeful. Then it meant homosexual. Now it's being used as an insult, or as a negative. 

I've even seen autistic being used over the internet as an insult nowadays.

Long story short, call me whatever you want. Autistic, autist, aspie, person with autism, person with a neurodevelopmental disorder, whatever; I prefer just Kaleb though. ;)


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